Director of the college:
Baigabelov Altynbek Userbaevich
Member of the Presidium of the Public Council of Kostanay region
Independent Director of the social and entrepreneurial corporation «Tobol»
Phone: 8 7142 56-81-62
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the charter, he directs educational and methodological, scientific and methodological, administrative, economic, financial and economic activities. Approves working curricula and programs, schedules of educational processes, and internal regulations. Approves the management structure, staffing, and job descriptions of employees. Forms a contingent of students, provides their social protection. Coordinates work with employers and social partners. Represents the organization of education in higher-level, public and other organizations. Implements measures to expand social partnership and international cooperation. Ensures compliance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on occupational safety and health and creates safe working conditions
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs:
Kitaeva Larisa Gennadievna
Phone: 8 7142 395499
Organizes activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the charter and other regulatory legal acts. Carries out the organization of the educational process, the development of plans for the organization of educational work. Organizes current and strategic planning of work, coordinates the work of teachers on the implementation of curricula and educational, standard curricula, as well as organizes the development of necessary educational and methodological documentation to ensure the quality of the educational process, provides new approaches in its organization. Monitors the quality of the educational process, the implementation of the curriculum and programs. Carries out the organization of work on the preparation and conduct of current control, intermediate and final certification of students. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff.
Deputy Director for Educational Work:
Nurusheva Aizhangul Sabyrzhanovna
Phone: 8 7142 56-82-64
Ensures the development of plans and measures for the organization of educational work, current and strategic planning of career guidance, monitors their implementation. Coordinates the activities of classroom teachers, educators, librarians, teachers of physical education and recreation and artistic and aesthetic areas. Conducts an analysis of educational work. Organizes work on the development of methodological documentation on educational work, carries out systematic control over the quality of the educational process, over individual work with students with special educational needs and with children of deviant behavior. Carries out work on the formation of patriotism, citizenship, internationalism, high morals and morality, the development of diverse interests and abilities of students. Organizes work with orphans and children left without parental care, protects their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Organizes work on the prevention of offenses among adolescents. Coordinates the interaction of representatives of the administration, services and departments of the educational organization providing the educational process with representatives of the public and law enforcement agencies, parents and parent committees. Ensures the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the organization of education.
Deputy Director of Information Technology:
Toktarov Talgat Sartaevich
Phone: 8 7142 56-82-64
Organizes the implementation of the informatization process, its resource provision, the use of information and communication technologies in educational and managerial activities. Implements and uses information and communication technologies in the learning process. Establishes contacts with external organizations on the use of information and communication technologies in educational and management activities. Organizes the training of pedagogical and managerial personnel on the use of information technology. Organizes and plans a system of methodological, research, experimental and innovative work in the field of information and communication technologies.