The most valuable resources in the modern world are time and knowledge. But there are always not enough of them. Knowledge becomes outdated so quickly that a person, in order to be successful, must constantly learn and develop. And time flies so quickly that 24 hours is no longer enough to get everything done. Therefore, it is very important to be able to get maximum information and services in one place and at one time.

On April 26, 2024, in the Beimbeta Mailina district, an “Open Day” event was held with the participation of representatives of colleges and higher educational institutions of the region for students in grades 9-11 of schools in the Beimbeta Mailina district, in order to provide career guidance support to students in the process of choosing a study profile and future professional field activities.

All conditions have been created for today’s schoolchildren so that they can choose the right profession and take a step towards their successful future. Representatives of educational institutions contribute and help graduates in choosing a profession. Our goal is to demonstrate learning opportunities and convey to applicants that educational institutions are always ready to provide them with quality education.

Participants were shown videos containing detailed information on the specialties of the new recruitment, booklets and other promotional materials. Coverage was 270 people. According to the organizers, the Open Days will become a traditional event for the Beimbeta Mailina district.

Many thanks to the organizers of the event for the warm welcome, for the bright, rich program of acquaintance with educational institutions and schools.

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