Tuberculosis prevention

On May 29, an important meeting of 1st year students with an epidemiologist of the Public Association «Young Leaders of Kostanay», Kuntuarova Z.V., took place at our college. The topic of the meeting was «Tuberculosis prevention».
The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of a socially significant disease, inform the population about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, early detection of tuberculosis and diagnostic methods.
The objectives of the meeting included:
1) Raising awareness of the population of Kostanay region about the early signs of tuberculosis, ways of infection and methods of prevention.
2) Instilling healthy lifestyle skills and training in methods of protection against tuberculosis infection.
3) Formation of personal responsibility for their own health and the health of others, as well as instilling skills for a healthy lifestyle.

Students actively participated in the discussion, asked questions and received useful information that will help them maintain their health and protect themselves from tuberculosis.
Thank you Zarina Valeryevna for an interesting and informative lecture!

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