How to build a career — modern approaches

A successful career is made up of a number of factors — talent, efficiency, the ability to negotiate with people and make bold decisions, luck and much more. However, Kurmangalikyzy Zhanar, HR manager of Profi soft, decided to highlight 9 main rules for career success and share them on October 1, 2024 at the Institution «Kostanay Higher College of Kazpotrebsoyuz» with 2nd-year students of the specialty: Accounting and audit, group PBU-21. Following them, a person will be self-confident, and this is the most important thing for professional growth. If you plan to reach career heights, and not remain in linear positions, act wisely from the start. HR manager Zhanar told how to start a career in order to quickly grow to a sought-after specialist or manager, for students she revealed all the subtleties of success and listed them:

  1. Set a goal for yourself and move towards its implementation in small steps;
  2. Build self-confidence, adhere to a positive attitude «I can»;
  3. Build relationships with the team;
  4. Request and adequately perceive feedback on your work;
  5. Exceed the expectations of colleagues and managers: do better, faster and more;
  6. Translate problems into tasks. Look for new ways to solve familiar problems;
  7. Start thinking strategically;
  8. Take responsibility;
  9. Never stop developing.
    In the modern world, it is impossible to build a career without developing skills, gaining knowledge, mastering technologies and finding new solutions using them to offer to colleagues, managers, business. New solutions that will lead the company to new results, create new value for the product and bring new benefits to the client. During the meeting, Kurmangalikyzy Zhanar and the students tried themselves in the role of an employer and a job seeker, applying the acquired knowledge in a business game: «Interview», where they reflected the main points and outlined the mistakes that cannot be made. How to present your knowledge and skills so that you are chosen among others, this and much more our students learned today.
    Kurmangalikyzy Zhanar HR manager of Profi soft company thanked the students and teacher Kusymbaeva A. Zh. for the meeting, which was held in a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Such meetings are very important, as they allow students to provide information: about the offers of potential employers; learn about the features of their future profession; give them confidence in solving the problem of future employment and self-realization; about the possibility of undergoing industrial practice during the period of professional training and invited them on an excursion to the main office at the address: Kostanay, Dzerzhinsky street 92A, 2nd floor.

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