Рубрика: News

lecture «Akhmet Baitursynov — teacher of the nation!»

On September 5, in honor of the birthday of the great public figure, educator, poet and scientist Akhmet Baitursynov, a thematic lecture «Akhmet Baitursynov — teacher of the nation» was held for 1st year...

Сuratorial hour on the theme «Ana tilim – aryn bul!»

On September 5, 2024, the Kostanay Higher College of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a curatorial hour on the theme «Ana tilim – aryn bul!». The purpose of the event was to expand the knowledge of students...

Curatorial Hour «Adal adam. Adal eńbek. Adal tabys!»

On September 02, 2024, a single curatorial hour on the topic «Adal adam. Adal eńbek. Adal tabys!» For students of 2 and 3 courses. Purpose of the event: 1. The formation of a value...

The Day of Knowledge

On September 1, a solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge took place in our college. This important event marked the beginning of a new academic year and gave a start to educational...

«Bir tutas tárbıe»

On August 29, at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council, Deputy Director for Educational Work A.S. Nurusheva introduced the teaching staff to the educational program «Bir tutas tárbıe» which will become the basis of...

Educational navigator

In order to provide career guidance support to students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the field of future professional activity, within the framework of the project “Organization of a...

Working with applicants

Today, career guidance is a whole range of activities aimed at identifying inclinations, abilities for certain activities and preparing students for an informed choice of profession. One of the most effective ways of career...

Ilyas Zhansugurov

Ilyas Zhansugurov, a writer and thinker, a classic of new Kazakh literature, belongs to the first wave of the Soviet Kazakh intelligentsia. The opportunities provided by the Soviet government to a guy from the...

Tuberculosis prevention

On May 29, an important meeting of 1st year students with an epidemiologist of the Public Association «Young Leaders of Kostanay», Kuntuarova Z.V., took place at our college. The topic of the meeting was...