Curatorial Hour «Adal adam. Adal eńbek. Adal tabys!»

On September 02, 2024, a single curatorial hour on the topic «Adal adam. Adal eńbek. Adal tabys!» For students of 2 and 3 courses.

Purpose of the event:

1. The formation of a value attitude to education, the desire to be necessary and useful for their homeland.

2. Formation of an active life position, professionally significant qualities and readiness for their manifestation in various spheres of society.

3. Orientation to self-education and self-development, development of creative qualities of personality.

The topic of the curatorial hour was based on three important priorities: the desire for knowledge, hard work and patriotism, which were outlined by the Head of State K. Tokayev in a video message to the youth of the new Kazakhstan.

Students of the 2 and 3 courses actively discussed current youth problems regarding the value of knowledge, making arguments to support their views. Students came to the conclusion that only an educated and purposeful person can become a real citizen and contribute to the successful future of Kazakhstan.

The event helped students better understand the importance of education, an active life position and readiness for self-development. This laid the foundation for a successful start to the new school year.

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